Michael Stone General Info and Workshops

Michael Stone
Michael Stone, BS Chem Eng, MBA, Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator, founder of Holotropic Breathwork LA, (in-person HB Workshops in the Los Angeles Area), lead facilitator of the Holotropic Breathwork In The Desert Retreat, (yearly breathwork retreat in Joshua Tree), the creator of Neurodynamic Breathwork Online where participants can have a powerful breathwork experience in the comfort of their own home for under $25, and co-founder of the cutting edge “Train Your Brain, Master Your Life” Workshop, was born and currently resides in Los Angeles, California. After spending the first 35 years of his life following a path that had been imprinted on him through cultural and family conditioning, he finally broke through his conditioning and created the life of his dreams, living on the beach in Venice, CA and creating multi-million dollar online and offline businesses. In 2005, he discovered Holotropic Breathwork and in 2009, after becoming certified as a Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator, he founded Holotropic Breathwork LA to bring Holotropic Breathwork Workshops to the Los Angeles Area. The LA Area Holotropic Breathwork community is now the largest in the country and the Breathwork Online Community is one of the largest online breathwork communities in the world.

Michael Stone and Stan Grof at Dr. Grof’s Home in Northern California
Michael is also on staff with Grof Transpersonal Training (the worldwide organization that runs the Holotropic Breathwork Certification Program) and facilitates at some of their weeklong modules. He is also a successful Entrepreneur, Life Coach and Business Consultant
Michael Stone Educational Background
Michael Stone received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1975
Michael Stone received an MBA Degree from the University of Southern California in 1979.
Michael Stone became a Shamanic Practitioner after a three year advanced study program at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies with Michael Harner in 2007
Michael Stone became a Stan Grof Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator in 2009
Michael Stone Research
After completing his training in Holotropic Breathwork, Michael Stone set out on a multi-year quest to develop a shorter version of breathwork that would still allow participants to access the non-ordinary states of consciousness that were accessible in an all-day Holotropic Breathwork Workshop. After studying how various historical traditions had accessed these states (Shamanism, etc) and working for several years with groups of about 35 people at a time experimenting with various combinations of music and different lengths of breathwork experiences, he ultimately developed what he calls Neurodynamic Breathwork©, a structure where participants can have ultra powerful life-changing non-ordinary state experiences with 60 minute breathwork sessions. The breathwork is done sitting in chairs or laying down, with eyes closed or with a blindfold on, while listening to a specific type of music. Neurodynamic Breathwork can be done in-person or online. After developing Neurodynamic Breathwork, Michael turned his attention to working with the principles that make breathwork so powerful and, using his science background, combined them with the latest advances in neuroscience and quantum theory to develop workshops that allow participants to experience what he calls “real freedom”—the freedom to consciously create your own reality on a day by day basis. We are constantly programming our minds to produce specific results, but we do it unconsciously. By making this a conscious process, by in essence metaprogramming our minds, we can completely control our emotional states and create the future of our dreams.
Michael Stone Quote:
“My mission is to give people the tools that they need to empower themselves to use their energy to efficiently and consciously create the future of their dreams. We spend enormous amounts of time focusing on and controlling what we put into our bodies and almost no time focusing on what we put into our minds. That must change if we are to expand our consciousness and brain capacity in a way that each one of us can effectively transform our life on a day by day basis from one dominated by fear and anxiety to one overflowing with joy and creation. Right now our mind uses us. Our programming controls us. We have been hypnotized into believing that we do have very little control over our reality and our emotional states. That is just not true. Once we understand how our mind works, we can use it as a tool to experience real freedom by catapulting ourselves into a future reality that is entirely of our own creation. We just need to interact with our mind in a way that channels its immense creative power to move us forward instead of holding us back. I call this process Radical Self-Empowerment.”
Michael can be contacted at: [email protected]